Part of the Catholic Archdiocese of Westminster

Please pray for the 39 children making their First Holy Communion next Sunday. 28 of the children will be making their First Holy Communion at the 11.00am Mass, the rest at an extra Mass at 1.30pm. Undoubtedly, the 11.00am Mass will be extremely busy so I would be very grateful if you would kindly consider attending Mass either on Saturday evening at 6.00pm or on Sunday at 9.00am. You can also attend the extra Mass at 1.30pm on Sunday. Many thanks for your cooperation, Father Gerard

Contactless Machines Giving Update: The Contactless Machines can be used for: Regular Sunday Offertory - can be gift aided. Mass Intentions - can be gift aided. Baptisms - can be gift aided. Weddings - can be gift aided. Candles - can be gift aided. Car Parking (when not attending Mass) cannot be gift-aided. Hall Hire – cannot be gift-aided. CAFOD Donations (when using Contactless machines donations for CAFOD cannot be Gift-Aided). If you wish to gift-aid please donate online at

Please note that the Parish Livestream will only operate during Masses and other services. For times of services please click the tab "schedules" or "Newsletter".

Our Parish Safeguarding Representative is Susan Hendriks [email protected]  The Diocesan Safeguarding Coordinator can be contacted on 020 7798 9356. Clink on this link for more safeguarding information. Safeguarding - Diocese of Westminster (

Prayer for Peace in our Troubled world Loving God, we pray for all peoples experiencing war, for all those suffering or afraid, that you will be close to them and protect them. We pray for world leaders, for compassion, strength and wisdom to guide their choices. We pray for the world that in this moment of crisis, we may reach out in solidarity to our brothers and sisters in need. May we walk in your ways so that peace and justice become a reality for all the peoples of the world. Amen

How can I support my parish? The Diocese is kindly asking parishioners to move away from giving cash or using Planned Giving Envelopes for the Sunday Collection. We are being encouraged instead to take out a Standing Order. Our account details are: Account Name: WRCDT Highbury Sort Code: 40 05 20   Account Number: 11096230.Please add your surname and first name as a reference to help our bookkeeper. You can also donate at Donate to our Parish – Roman Catholic Parish of Highbury (


St Joan of Arc Parish is part of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Westminster